
Hi there! I’ve never written about a product before but I feel that I MUST do so for this one! I am so thrilled! Where to begin……well when I ordered OraMD ……my gums were so swollen and red and shiny and were always easy to bleed, even when I ate soft foods. ……and all I can say now is WOW WOW WOW!!! ……By the way, I have NO MORE BLEEDING when I brush my teeth let alone eat!! I’m amazed for a lack of better words. I get goose bumps when I look in the mirror and see my gums. I just shake my head. I go to massage therapy school and have been introduced to essential oils but I had no idea you could brush your teeth with them! Thanks a ton and I’ll NEVER go back to toothepaste again!
It’s funny, what prompted me to look for alternatives to toothepaste is that my daughter just turned 2 and I was concerned about using toothepaste with her and so I looked on the internet for an alternative and your webpage popped up.
Thanks again and I love the informational emails you send as well. Keep `em coming!

Jennifer M., San Diego, CA

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.