
I tend to get a little wordy when lauding the praises of something I support. That said, here is my story:
I hadn’t been to a dentist for well over 10 years because of lack of finances, too many fears, etc. I brushed every day, but never flossed due to sensitive gums (I was a child with healthy gums when I had this problem). But when things got really bad and my gums swelled and bled a lot, ……Before my initial visit to the dentist, I used a health product for gum disease that my mom bought from another company, and though it was good and helped alleviate pain/redness, etc-it was water-based, not oil-based, so didn’t have the strong, lasting effects. Nor did it work as fast. Also it had goldenseal in it, so was dangerous to swallow, and there was a warning on the label not to do so. When I went to the dentist, I used everything she told me-special mouthwashes, toothpastes, etc-desperate to get my gums back to what they were, but nothing worked. After a search on the Internet, I came across a web page about OraMD, and read all the information, finding a link that took me to your site. Since I believe in health foods/products over that of scientific medicines-(I also take vitamin supplements/herbs/antioxidants, herbal teas, etc, so am a bit of a health nut)-I was more than ready to give your product a try and felt peace about doing so. ……Here is a diary account of what has happened since using your product and nothing else.
1st day: I used it once at bedtime on the day I first received it in the mail-my initial use-and woke up to a healthy pink color under the center teeth of bottom gums toward lip where it has been red for at least 9 years, as well as pink along the gums where tooth meets the gum in many areas. I was floored to see what I did in the mirror. OraMD was very stout, as you warned, but I’ve endured far worse, and I was determined to see this through. With the amazing results from just one use, you couldn’t have paid me to stop! I was finally, after years of desiring it, seeing my mouth return to normal. :))))) Also with each use, the aftereffects were a lasting clean feel in my mouth I never felt before-my mouth felt alive, better than when I had used Listerine even.
2nd day (when using it per instructions all day-as a paste, mouthwash, and topically applying it/putting it on tongue): woke up 3rd morning to find pink along gums all the way to top ridge,……-but these places were less red than day before, and the streaks above one tooth were also less red. A bump between my teeth, on the gumline (that appeared days before when I stupidly abraded my gum with my electric toothbrush in a desperate attempt to massage that area to get the red out) shrank in size. Also, since day one, my youngest son inhales deeply when I talk and smiles, saying how good my breath smells. I never suffered from halitosis, so this has been a real surprise he would notice a change. He never said that right after I used Listerine or ate strong breath mints.
3rd day: Gums are all pinker-firmer-all the way to ridge.
Fourth day: ……now a darker shade of pink, but no longer red. Red streaks are much lighter-a dark pink-and narrower in size. In short, they are shrinking/ turning back to healthy color. ……So far, I am astounded with the results of this product. I have no doubt that when I go for my next visit-which I’m postponing for 1 month to give this OraMD even more of a chance to work-my dentist will be very shocked and pleased. I’ll let you know the report. 🙂 ……You truly have a miracle product on your hands. God bless you for sharing it with the public, and at such a fair price. I no longer feel I have to spend so much of my hard-earned money in order to have healthy teeth and gums! ……One last thing: At previous booksignings and writing conferences, I would try not to smile big around others, embarrassed with how bad my gums looked. Now I can’t wait to flash my pearly whites again-and this is only the first week! 🙂 Bless you, bless you, bless you-I can’t say it enough.

*grinning wide from Texas–

Pamela G., Hurst, TX

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.

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