
Bleeding of gums has diminished. I am now more relaxed
about my breath. Had a small travel break and used toothpaste and both gums and I hated it. Toothpaste irritated them and the texture of it in my mouth was just awful. My mouth didn’t feel clean and it was abrasive. The drops are brilliant to use and the lingering freshness is reassuring. By no means am I out of the woods with the seriousness of my condition, however, ……Toothpastes and mouth exploding intense mouthwashes made of God only knows that concoction of chemicals is definitely not the answer. I do believe these magic drops are.

Christine C., Santa Fe, NM

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.

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