
When I recently had my teeth cleaned, my hygenist told me they were in the best shape she has seen them in since I have been her patient (which is about 3 years). ……I told her I was using OraMD and asked her opinion on whether she though it had helped. She expressed some concern over it not haing flouride (big suprise…laugh out loud…) and stated since I had also whitened my teeth last August before I began using your product, that whiteneing does sometimes improve the enamal so not as much plaque adheres. She said I would know better by my next six month exam whether it was the whitening or the OraMD. In my opinion, however, it is the OraMD. My gums hardly bleed when she cleaned my teeth. She also commented on how much better I had been doing flossing- then I told her I haven’t flossed in six months since my last exam! My gums no longer bleed when I brush them, they are a healthy pink instead of red, and I am VERY satisfied.

Laura B., Albion, IN

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.

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