
I just wanted to share my experience using your product as I find it quite amazing. ……My gums bled all the time and my teeth were quite sensitive. After the first month of using OraMD my bleeding subsided quite a bit. By the second month, I virtually have no bleeding gums.

Besides the stoppage of the bleeding gums, my teeth & mouth feel sooo much cleaner as well.!! I liked the product so much that I ordered some for my husband. He had always used mouthwash as he had trouble with bad breath. The other day he was brushing his teeth & he shouted out “this is great stuff”.

We both went to have our routine teeth cleaning yesterday & I asked the Dentist if she noticed any change in my teeth. She said “there is a lot less plaque, what are you doing?” She then cleaned my husband’s teeth & asked him if he was using the same product on his teeth as she noticed the reduction of plaque on him as well. We have actually both become addicted to it.

The thought of using toothpaste again just repels me. We no longer use mouthwash as it is just not needed. I now feel like my teeth are really being cleaned when I brush my teeth.

Barbara H., Los Angeles, CA

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.

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