
OraMD is the best stuff I’ve ever come across. ……and very soon I saw and felt results. Now I use it all the time and gave a bottle to my daughter who loves it also. When I went back for my exam, my hygienest said ……and my mouth looked fantastic! I think my teeth may have gotten a little whiter, but I drink coffee and colas and they are pretty yellow looking, but I’m sure it’s helping. No more bleeding! Praise God for OraMD! I don’t use toothpaste anymore at all. Oh, and no more bad breath!! which I believe is due to my professional cleaning to remove plaque, and OraMD!

Sue C., Los Angeles, CA

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.