
Ora MD kicks ass. I set out looking for a toothpaste that would not creep me out with it’s “whitening” effects, added calcium or lemon flavor or whatever else and also when i used to use regular toothpaste it seemed ultimately to be missing something–with Ora MD, the fresh happy mouth feeling I’ve been looking for is extreme and it lasts, which to me is miraculous. I don’t see why anyone uses anything else to brush their teeth. it’s the best! From the first time you use it, you get giddy cause it basically gives your germ infested mouth a true natural makeover. you feel better with fresh teeth!
……It’s just awesome.

Carrie L., Philadelphia, PA

The testimonials above are genuine and have not been changed for grammar, punctuation or spelling. These testimonials were edited to comply with FDA Regulations. These experiences should not be construed as the typical.

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